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Simmental: Exporting Herd Data

Export: Step-by-step guide

Login to

  1. Click on the “Herd Mgmt” > “Reports” tab

  2. Select the animals that you wish to export

    1. Choose a current group or create one

    2. Enter registration numbers into the Quick Group tab (1 per line)

  3. Under the “Web Reports” tab on the right, Click the “Default Reports” > “Default Catalog Pull” link

  4. Click the “Generate Report” button

  5. Once the report has been created, Select “Plain Text (.csv)” from the drop down menu in the top left

  6. Click the Download” button

Files are usually saved to your Downloads folder, though this may vary from user to user

Virtual Herd Import Source

Choose “SIMMENTAL ASSOCIATION IMPORT” when importing into Virtual Herd

Importing Errors

Associations may modify the data they export from time to time. Virtual Herd expects the import file to match the import template exactly.

If you get an importing error, please open a ticket. Please attach the file to the ticket

Next: Import Herd Data into Virtual Herd

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