Angus: Exporting Herd Data
Export Data: Step-by-step guide
Step 1: Create an Animal Set
If you already have a set, go to Step 2: Create Custom Animal Report
Click on the “My Herd” tab
Click on the “Animal Groups > Animal Set” link
Click on the “Create New Set” link on the right
Enter the “Animal Set Name”
Select a folder or Create a new one (we recommend a folder called VH to keep things organized)
Complete the form by filling in the criteria needed to build an animal set with all the animals you want in Virtual Herd
TIP: If you have a spreadsheet of registration numbers, you can import them as long as the registration numbers are in the 1st column.Click the “Find Animals” button, or if you uploaded a file, Click the “Submit File” button
Step 2: Create Custom Animal Report
If you have not yet created an Animal Set for the animals you want to export go to Step 1: Create an Animal Set
Click on the “Reports” tab
Click on “Interactive” > “Create Custom Animal Report”
Click the “Animal Set” radio button and Select your “Animal Set” from the drop down menu
Check the “Excel Spreadsheet” checkbox
Check the “Select All Columns” checkbox
Check the “Show Interim Indicators” checkbox
Check the “Show Accuracies” checkbox
Check the “Show EPD/$Value Percentile Ranks” checkbox
Click the “Search” button at the bottom on the page (an Excel file will be downloaded)
NOTE: Files are usually saved to your Downloads folder, though this may vary from user to user
Virtual Herd Import Source
Choose “AAA ONLINE CUSTOM REPORT IMPORT” when importing into Virtual Herd
Importing Errors
Associations may modify the data they export from time to time. Virtual Herd expects the import file to match the import template exactly.
If you get an importing error, please open a ticket. Please attach the file to the ticket