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Updating Lot Numbers & Footnotes

Virtual Herd allows you to easily update livestock lot numbers and footnotes through a simple import process.

This import filter will only update current records in Virtual Herd. New livestock records will be ignored.

Option 1: Download Import Template

Update Lot Numbers.csv

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click on the “Import Livestock” link in the left navigation

  2. Find “All Breeds” in the list and Click the “Select” button next to it

  3. Find “LOT NUMBER IMPORT“ and Click the “Select” button

  4. Enter Form Information

    1. Select the “Breed” from the drop down menu

    2. Select the “Category” or “Related Sale” for bulls and females
      NOTE: Assigning a category or sale is not required. If they are not selected you may have to assign them manually. You do not have to select a category or sale.

    3. Registration Numbers (optional): If you have a whole herd file to import, you may wish to restrict the import to only a few registration numbers. You can restrict the import to the registration numbers entered into this field. All other records will be ignored.

    4. Overwrite Footnotes: If the file has footnotes, you may choose to overwrite “Catalog Footnotes” within Virtual Herd. This does not overwrite the footnotes on your web page.

  5. Click the “Choose File” to select your .CSV file

  6. Click the “Import” button in the top right of the page

Option 2: Update Lots in VH Sale Record

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click on the “Sales & Shows” link in the left navigation

  2. Click on the sale in the list and Click the “Edit” link

  3. Click the “Lots” tab

  4. Enter the lot into the field for each record

  5. Click the “Save” button in the top right of the page

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